Tuesday 13 October 2009

30 Day Photos

Day 1                                                  Day 30

Day 1                                                  Day 30

Day 1                                                  Day 30

Day 1                                                  Day 30

Day 1                                                  Day 30

My body fat has dropped from 23% to 14.8%. I will update more stats tomorrow and write more about the Phase 2 part which I started yesterday.


  1. Well done mate! You are getting nicely ripped, I can't see much muscle gain but then again i don't think your program is designed for that is it? I would add a few heavy sessions here and there but let's not interfere with the master's plan this time around. Keep going and at the end take pictures with a good camera and good lighting to give it justice. I have just dropped below 12%bodyfat so hurry up and catch me!

  2. Hey Jean Marc thanks once again for the support. Phase 2 is about gains etc.. I have lost no muscle whilst cutting so I now have a healthier frame to build on. :) Rest assured I am gonna catch you up. Nice to hear from ya hope the new job is all you wished for and more...

  3. I like to see someone dedicated! I am now on a muscular endurance phase with cardio 6 times a week. The goal is to reach 7% bodyfat by December 20th ! I am starting a new blog soon, will post the link on facebook.
    At least you and I will really deserve to indulge at Xmas! Good luck with the training!

  4. Hehe yeah hmmmm a little cheat day on Xmas day!!
    Lets keep the support going come on Jean-Marc you can reach your goals prove it to me!!

  5. Nice going mate! In only 30 days...?? That's impressive! :-)

    Started off light again last week - after a TWO YEAR BREAK of NO exercise at all (except what I was getting on set) - and, unsurprisingly, I was still aching two days later...!! Could hardly move my arms on the first day...

    Going back into it again today - in the next few minutes, actually! Wish me luck... :-)

  6. Raine, you will see my pictures as soon as I'm on target. I am aiming for 7% bodyfat, ripped to the bone, well, almost...
    Hope you are still going strong, good luck!
